About Me

My photo
Kaysville, ut, United States
I am so lucky, I am enjoying being a mom, wife and friend. I am lucky to have friends that help me do fun things like this.... Namaste

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun Box.....

Here is another of Kev playing in the backyard...lol

Brighton at Home

I have been telling friends that we have a 20' funbox in the backyard and most people say what is that, well here you go. Kev is so excited they even board at night with a light in the backyard. Here is Kev showing his friends how its done...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Too young for this pose...

I want her to stay five forever...

We bought her dress just for kindergarten...

Bryton had to wear a pretty dress for the first day of Kindergarten. She asked me about the dress, she said "Mom are these real jewels?". I love her soo much.

First day of Kindergarten....

Bryton and her teacher Mrs. Burton. Daddy in the background, he was one of two dads there for the first day. Kevin is such a good dad.

I love her...

I am so glad we get to take family vacations...

La Jolla Beach...

See the seals in the background? We had soo much fun.

A day at the beach..

It makes me laugh that as parents we spend so much money taking kids to see all the amusement parks, and they had just as much fun if not more at the beach for free! Good friends...good times.

We love vacation...

The magical boat ride...

All I was missing was a glass of wine...

The fairy tale land....

We had so much fun....my knight in blinging armor...

Too Funny...

Ken and Kev with the Lego Law enforcement....

Dad and Bryton

Lego dalmation ...we loved Lego Land

Say Cheese...

My husband always makes me pose for pics...this time I was a good sport.

Yee haw

Lego Land

Lego Land was fun and beautiful....

Bryton and Lego Bob

I highly recommend Lego Land

Lego Land Here We Come...

We were so lucky to get to share our vacation with friends....Ken, Dawn, Lexi and Zac went with us!! That entire pumpkin is made of Legos and you can see Bryton's little head poppin out on the left..

I wish everyday was a vacation....

The view from our room...

Our pool view

Our pool had a restaurant and bar...how cool is that. I must say I love it when someone delivers fruity drinks poolside.

Our hotel had waterslides.....

We were lucky enough to stay in a five star hotel one night for our vacation and it had waterslides....it was awesome. As you can see Bryton had a blast!

Family Vacation

You can't tell cuz the sun was in my eyes...but I really had a great time this summer on our family vacation.

The G wagon...

Those of you that know me know that this car doesn't really fit my personality. However it fits Kev 100%, of course he is the one taking the pictures and since it is our family blog it wouldn't be complete without a little Kev flare! Here you go babe....

The days of summer

I love that Kev insists on taking pictures all the time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post these and really think of how blessed we are. I love my back yard....

You might be a redneck.....

I told Kev that he couldn't make a home made water slide and that was just the ambition he needed. Never say never...especially to Kevin. What a dad...and a good time.

Golfing with Dad

Bryton went golfing with dad every Sunday this summer, she has become quite the little golfer. Look at that form...

Preschool Graduation

Graduation Day...I cried it was so cute!! I loved the cap and gown. They sang so many cute songs, we were such proud parents.

Fun at the cabin this summer

We are lucky to have such good friends...Bryton had so much fun she cried when we had to go
I love this pic as you can see by the date it is really old but oh so cute...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

start em young

It was daddy daughter day at Brighton (not really). Right to Left: Faith, Bryton, Emma. They had a blast... and what good guys to take their daughters skiing. I am sure it is a matter of time before they all are on snowboards....god help us moms that get to worry. I am glad that Kevin has started Bryton so young especially now that she is fearless. Good times...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I know someday it won't be cool to give mom kisses...

Until that day I will take them when I can... have I mentioned she smells like cookies. I love being Bryton's mom!!

I am so lucky to be her mom

Do you sometimes look at pictures of you and your kid and see a resemblance of both you and your husband? I totally do in this one.

Trip to Cali..

Our last trip to California was really fun, it was our first time at Dave and Buster's and Bryton won the pink poodle to next to Kev. This was a restaurant we tried was called Cafe Tu Tu Tango. It had very interesting decor and art for sale. It was fun.

If kids ruled the world

I had to add this pic...not that I am proud of how Bryton's room looks. However this is not uncommon. Kev works from home and there are times where Bryton has unsupervised "play time". I have to say there are many days where I am nervous to see what creative ways Bryton has found to entertain herself. And how long it will take us to recover.... I love every part of being a mom and those moms out there that are extremely organized...I don't know how you do it!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Joys of Motherhood

"MOOOOOM can you help me put this dress on Vinci, his hair is stuck in the zipper, he is stuck Mom he really is!" She really needs a sibling....poor DaVinci he makes a good sister in the meantime....ha! ha!

Valentine Weekend

Our good friends Ken and Dawn invited us to their cabin for Valentines weekend. We had so much fun!! Thanks :) , the weekend was full of treasure hunts for the kids, well planned meals, good conversation, great company, laughter, being towed up the mountain behind a four wheeler to watch the expert sledder Dawn show me how it's done, and a few arguments between Kev and I because he wants so bad for me to learn how to snowboard, overall a great weekend. We are lucky to have such good friends. Love you guys!!!

self portrait

Kev is the picture taker in the family and he always makes us take one together, he has to do it cuz I alwasy cut his head off (I am not tall enough), this isn't the best pic. But I love him for trying.....This is on our trip to Cali in January.

We literally were the only ones....at the pool, it was raining, but it was warm. People thought we were crazy, Bryton loved it :). Swimming in January...are you kidding? We are going to do it in February too :)

We are going again

We went to California last month, this is long beach. I had a job interview, and since the Kev works for Jetblue we figured lets all go! We get to go again on Tuesday for a different job interview. It was really fun, we really didn't plan on going to the beach this day, I wouldn't have worn the shoes....not the best for the beach, but we found time.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grandpa Darce was awesome! He taught Bryton how to ski she learned "french fries" and "pizza". It was so fun to see my dad teach my daughter his passion. Thanks Dad I love you...

The best day....

I did it!

Bryton didn't even seem to blink. A few runs and she had it figured out. I have been having back pain so I didn't want to hurt myself. Right before I got on the board this girl who said it was her first time came flying down the mountain and crashed so hard. I freaked out. I was telling Kev, there is no way that is going to be me. He was so patient, he waited until I was comfortable and I was doing okay.Then I went for it,there was a group of people that were in front of me and I went around....it was a pretty big deal. LOL. I am a rookie but I had a great time. Thanks Dad, Nancy and Kev. I love you....

"I am so happy I am here for your entertainment..."
We are rock stars!

The day after Christmas is the best! Cause thats the day you get to play with all of your new toys.

Grandma Sandy and Uncle Casey

We had a great Christmas! Grandma Sandy and Casey came up for dinner. Mom was so touched by her gift. It made her cry......me too. I love my family.