About Me

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Kaysville, ut, United States
I am so lucky, I am enjoying being a mom, wife and friend. I am lucky to have friends that help me do fun things like this.... Namaste

Friday, December 26, 2008

Kev got what he wanted from Santa this year too!
Bryton asked for a four-wheeler when she saw Santa at the mall, and he brought it for her.She was so excited the first thing she said was "Sarah is going to think this is so awesome." (Sarah is her neighbor friend). Then she asked if we could show it to Lexi and Zachy ( might as well be cousins, cuz their family). Anyways she obviously loved it. She asked if she could sit on it while she watched a movie today.

Marble Mania is so much fun, Kev and I are lucky we are still married after building it. But I have to admit it is a bit addictive, I might just have to have a marble mania party.

Santa was good to us this year!!

Usually Kev and I don't exchange gifts, but I decided that if I decide that we don't have enough money we never will. And we didn't but, we did it anyway. I really had fun this year cuz Kev thought he knew everything he was getting and I surprised him with Rock Band.

purse dog

I found a new way for Davinci to travel!

The gift from Bryton

This is what was in the gift that Bryton gave us. She hid it so well she totally forgot about it, I had to remind her lol! I love it, it is a fish tank magnet in case you were wondering.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I love your blog

I am kind of slow on the uptake, however my cousin Tiff gave me this award! Thanks Tiff I am new to blogging but there is a bit of an addiction. So the rules go like this: I get to heart seven other blogs that I love reading. If your blog makes my list, you get to post your award, thank the person that gave it to you and then choose seven other blogs that you think deserve this awesome award.The seven awards go to .....

Dawn Orgill
Cherstin German
Tiffany Schauerhammer
The Doanez
Heather McDonald
Lexi Orgill
Amanda Knorr
I love your blogs......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Marble Mania

Bryton got a Imaginarium Marble Mania toy from Grandpa. It has over 500 pieces...holy crap it took us six hours to build this thing. We had to take breaks, but I think we were just as excited as she was. We felt bad she was so excited and we had to keep telling her to wait, like 100 times or more. When it was finally done, she was so happy she kept clapping her hands and saying " i love it mom, i love it!" Merry Christmas.... and it isn't even here yet. I am excited, she makes it magical.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa's little elf

This is what it says on the back...so cute. I love her!

I have the Christmas spirit....

I found this under our tree... I had to take a pic. Bryton didn't even say a word, she hid it under the tree. I love it... I already know this is my favorite gift.