About Me

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Kaysville, ut, United States
I am so lucky, I am enjoying being a mom, wife and friend. I am lucky to have friends that help me do fun things like this.... Namaste

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If kids ruled the world

I had to add this pic...not that I am proud of how Bryton's room looks. However this is not uncommon. Kev works from home and there are times where Bryton has unsupervised "play time". I have to say there are many days where I am nervous to see what creative ways Bryton has found to entertain herself. And how long it will take us to recover.... I love every part of being a mom and those moms out there that are extremely organized...I don't know how you do it!!


Lindsay Jones said...

I totally understand! They are like little tornados sometimes! I just tell myself I am nourishing creativity.

Tiffany said...

Oh, that's classic! I think the messier the funner!