About Me

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Kaysville, ut, United States
I am so lucky, I am enjoying being a mom, wife and friend. I am lucky to have friends that help me do fun things like this.... Namaste

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Joys of Motherhood

"MOOOOOM can you help me put this dress on Vinci, his hair is stuck in the zipper, he is stuck Mom he really is!" She really needs a sibling....poor DaVinci he makes a good sister in the meantime....ha! ha!

Valentine Weekend

Our good friends Ken and Dawn invited us to their cabin for Valentines weekend. We had so much fun!! Thanks :) , the weekend was full of treasure hunts for the kids, well planned meals, good conversation, great company, laughter, being towed up the mountain behind a four wheeler to watch the expert sledder Dawn show me how it's done, and a few arguments between Kev and I because he wants so bad for me to learn how to snowboard, overall a great weekend. We are lucky to have such good friends. Love you guys!!!

self portrait

Kev is the picture taker in the family and he always makes us take one together, he has to do it cuz I alwasy cut his head off (I am not tall enough), this isn't the best pic. But I love him for trying.....This is on our trip to Cali in January.

We literally were the only ones....at the pool, it was raining, but it was warm. People thought we were crazy, Bryton loved it :). Swimming in January...are you kidding? We are going to do it in February too :)

We are going again

We went to California last month, this is long beach. I had a job interview, and since the Kev works for Jetblue we figured lets all go! We get to go again on Tuesday for a different job interview. It was really fun, we really didn't plan on going to the beach this day, I wouldn't have worn the shoes....not the best for the beach, but we found time.